Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good Spot

I'm in a great spot as ED of the organization I work for. We are volunteer based organization that seeks out agencies dealing with social issues and needs and operate a website that volunteers can connect to those needs. I say that I'm in a great spot because I don't have to worry day to day about having the funding to continue operation due to a great board of directors.

On the other hand, I am constantly trying to fight and fix things that I see that are broken but in reality maybe aren't. We get lots of projects that our group of volunteers cannot do on a given weekend or due to financial resources not being available. But, we get a lot of projects that can be completed and do get completed. I find myself in the tension of wanting to push forward at my own pace and not the pace of God. In the balance of living in my own strength and not in the strength of the Spirit in which I desperately need to complete the type of work I am attempting.

The people in need need God's grace and mercy and for Him to provide. I need God to provide daily and the organization needs God's intervention to solve bigger issues. Faith can be such a fine line, especially when we have skills and resources. In matters of physicality, we can do so much without Christ at times...almost too much.

The Journey keeps getting longer...

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