So, yesterday was the day that I would try racing again. I knew going in that I was not going to be stiff competition for anyone and it was more about overcoming my anxiety to be competitive. The race format was a time trial which is a one lap race as fast as you can go of the given track. This race was held at Winona Lake in Warsaw which is home to a 10-mile loop. I think about 40 people showed to race yesterday. There are the really fast guys, the average guys, and then the beginners like me. There were even a handful of women that raced.
Finally the results... I finished, no wrecks, I had fun, I surprised myself, and Michelle and I met new people. I finished the 10-mile loop in 1:01 and the fastest time was 37 minutes. I have a long way to go to be super competitive.
I look forward to the next race...
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