Monday, April 28, 2008

Post High Group

Michelle and I had the opportunity to share our stories this past Saturday with a group of post high students looking for guidance and a place to have a conversation about how to be change to a world they are becoming angst about. We were able to share about how the last few years for us has been a whirlwind of life change and growing increasingly aware of the social issues of our city and our world. How I transitioned from a career of marketing to a career of helping people find solutions to their needs. And, how Michelle works with families that have so much going on in their lives with a sick children and a whole lot of other social issues.

We're not sure that we are all that compelling, but believe God is wrecking our lives on purpose so we become more about others and less about ourselves. It's good to see young adults come together and dialogue together about social change...and more importantly get together and talk about how they need to change the way they live their lives to be a part of the solution.

Personal transformation is at the core of it all. Living in the tension of our need to change and living in the tension of felt needs is crucial to our discipleship in Christ.

To a tension filled journey....

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